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Rental Rates

All events booked in University Theatre supported facilities require the following crews and will incur the following administrative and labor charges.

An estimate of expected expenses will be provided once a completed Technical Information Sheet has been received and reviewed by the event coordinator. The technical director will determine the full staff necessary to present your event. At the conclusion of your event, an exact cost will be provided. You will be responsible for any overtime incurred by the crew. Minimum call is 2 hours. Total hours charged include set up, break down and required meal breaks. Mutually agreed upon crew breaks will be scheduled by the technical director in consultation with the renting organization.

Technical Supervisor$20/hour
Board Operators$17/hour
Technician/Stage Crew$15/hour
House Manager$15/hour
UshersStud Org – $10/hr | All others $15/hr


If it becomes necessary to cancel an event scheduled in University Theatre facilities, contact the theatre in writing as soon as possible. Associated cancellation charges are determined based on the date notice of cancellation is received. The following charges shall apply to all users:

Less than 14 days prior to event dateAdministrative Fee
Less than 7 days prior to event dateAdministrative Fee plus two (2) hours minimum crew charge
Less than 24-hoursAdministrative Fee plus full crew charge